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Hearthstone's Witchwood is an adventure set in a cursed forest, where evil lurks in every corner. The forest is home to eight bosses, each with its unique cards and mechanics. Successfully defeating these bosses is no easy task. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the forest's treacherous terrain and defeat each boss.

Boss 1: Hagatha the Witch

Hagatha, the Witch, is the first boss encountered in this adventure. To defeat her, you need to know the following:

Hagatha's hero power, Bewitch: She uses Bewitch to add a random Shaman spell to her hand. This hero power makes her unpredictable, so it's essential to keep removing her minions from the board.

Minion Strategy: Use minions with high health to keep trading with Hagatha's minions, which will help you maintain board control.

Beware of Her Final Attack: Hagatha can deal five damage to all minions on the board with her final attack. Try to play around it by spreading out your minions or keeping their health higher than 5.

Boss 2: Splintergraft

Splintergraft is the second boss in the Witchwood adventure. To defeat him, consider the following:

His minions are not as powerful as their battlecries: The minions that are summoned to the board by Splintergraft have powerful battlecries but aren't strong enough to hold the board's control on their own.

Playing Around Splintergraft Hero Power: His Hero Power, Treevolution, transforms a friendly minion to a minion that costs one more. Try to play minions that are already cost-effective and use low-cost minions while keeping a few high-cost minions to bait out the hero power.

Watch Out for His Taunts: Splintergraft has minions like Barksin, which gains +1 Attack and Taunt. Be careful when attacking it because it can quickly become a formidable threat.

Boss 3: The Cannoneer

The Cannoneer is the third boss in the Witchwood adventure. Defeating this boss may be slightly challenging, so here are some tips:

Destroying His Cannon: The Cannoneer uses Baited Arrow, which deals 3 damage to a minion and an additional 2 to its neighbors. Try to keep this in mind and remove his cannon as soon as possible.

His Minions Have Rush: Most of his minions come with Rush, so try not to leave low-health minions on the board.

Beware of His Final Attack: He uses Iron Shot, dealing 5 damage to the enemy hero. To play around this, try to keep your health high and keep the board control in your favor.


Defeating bosses in the Witchwood Adventure can be difficult, but with careful planning and smart gameplay, it's possible. Keep practicing, try out different strategies, and most importantly, have fun! We hope this guide will assist you in crafting a winning strategy and ushering your victory through the Witchwood forest. Good luck!
